

Aug 09

Just Enough Programming

I’ve been giving a lot of thought over the past months to the idea of “Just Enough Programming”.  Agile manufacturing has led to Just In Time manufacturing.  We also have Just In Time compilers.  But I’ve seen far too many times where application architectures have been far too complex — where things are done, not because they’re truly needed, but rather because:

  • It is the “buzzword approved” method.
  • Architects and developers want to play with new toys.
  • Features and functionality added because they might be needed someday.
  • Premature scaling.  If an application does not need to be infinitely scalable, then why add the overhead of making it so?
  • Guru / Instructor / Net God / Writer X say that this is the right way to Y.

I’d like to make a case for applying a serious shave with Ockham’s Razor to these architectures, with a goal of creating “Just Enough Programming”.

Expect more on this topic in the weeks and months ahead.

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