

Oct 07

Hypriot Does it Again

Many thanks and kudos to the most excellent people at Hypriot on their latest release!

Hypriot has made Docker on the Pi easy — prior to their distribution it took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to compile and get Docker working on the Pi. (Trust me!!! Been there, done that, have the t-shirt). Not only do they have Docker, but Swarm, Machine, and Compose as well. While I was able to get some of them working as a “Look, Ma, no hands!” type of test, I really have to hand it to them — they have gone the extra mile, going above and beyond to productionize the environment and provide a easy-to-use distribution and SD card.

Now for the Goodies:

  • Debian Jessie
  • Their own apt package treasure chest is built in. There’s some shiny gems hidden in it, too!
  • Linux 4.1.8
  • Docker 1.8.2
  • Docker Compose 1.4.2
  • Docker Machine 0.4.1
  • Docker Swarm 0.4.0 — preinstalled as a docker image, but it’s also available via apt
  • Network Hotplugging Baked Right In
  • Wifi
  • Support for Avahi and OpenvSwitch

With each release, Hypriot is more and more polished — it is truly a gem!

Flash scripts are available for Linux and OSX for writing the SD card image; I’ve submitted a patch for some more functionality on the Linux end; I expect it will get included in the next day or so, but if you can’t wait, you can grab it from my fork.

I’ve had the opportunity to play a bit with it and really like it. Plug it in and it just works. I’ll have some more about it over the next few days, but if you’re wanting to explore Docker on the Raspberry Pi, this is the best way to go.

Look for more exciting things to come from the Hypriot Crew!


  1. simon birrell

    Did you ever get Ethernet over USB working on HypriotOS on the Pi Zero? If so, care to give any pointers?

  2. Matt Williams

    Not yet; got busy with a new job. It’s on my list; and shortly I think…..

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