

Mar 22

Registrator for Pi: /gliderlabs/registrator ported to Pi

I’ve made a port of gliderlabs/registrator to the raspberry pi. The repository for the Pi port is at: nimblestratus/registrator. At first glance, the part I find most interesting is the size of the resulting image — ~12M. I firmly believe it’s a direct result of starting from Alpine Linux.

This will definitely warrant further investigation. I think quite a few other docker images could be built with Alpine. It will require some testing, but I think that the Consul container should be able to get down to 50MB or less. Swarm should get down to the 20MB or less range. Definitely something to try (and soon!).

I’m also going to do a writeup shortly on service discovery for the pi swarm…

As always, the true thanks go to those who wrote the apps and tools.

Dockerfile contents:

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