I wanted a simple way to have a dashboard to show if hosts and services are alive & didn’t want to write much code and/or run up a nagios instance (or anything like that). All I care is whether it’s green or red. I’d already been setting up HAProxy for a proxy forwarder, so I …
Category Archive: devops
Apr 25
Rules for Operations
The following list was compiled in 2012 for a talk on Operations Principles for Developers (Ops4Devs). They are loosely inspired by the list of rules from Zombieland as well as from my experiences and those shared by others. Looking over the list four years later, I believe that they are still (very) applicable for all …
Apr 24
DevOps Creed (Work in Progress)
This is a work in progress of a DevOps Creed. It will always be a work in progress as I and others learn and grow. Suggestions are welcome! I have drunk deep of the DevOps Kool-Aid. From the visions which ensued, I have come to the following…. I Believe: DevOps methodologies lead to systems which …