

Mar 20

Nifty Things for Week Ending 20 March

Welcome to the Vernal Equinox. Hopefully this means that Fimbulwinter is averted once more!

Blast from the Past

Data Visualization



3D Printing

Raspberry Pi



  • Introducing Tweet a Program — Some truly amazing programs, written in the space of a tweet. Admittedly, they are leveraging Wolfram Alpha (such as one to plot known shipwrecks in the Atlantic Ocean), but they are still amazing.




Site of the Week

This week I’d like to send a shout-out to One Thing Well. It advertises itself as

One Thing Well isn’t just about software that adheres strictly to the Unix philosophy, though; instead it aims to showcase the applications, tools and utilities that—you guessed it— do one thing well, with or without a graphical user interface, on any platform, be they commercial, free or open source.

Everyday there are about three tools added to the site. Some are Apple focused, others unix/linux, and others are generic. However, there’s usually something for everyone. It’s on my list of sites to visit every day!

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