Category Archive: torquebox

Jun 22

cygwin and torquebox and rvm, oh my!

rvm, despite being wonderful, doesn’t play very well with torquebox under cygwin. In particular, the gem paths are not working. So, in order to fix this, simply do: rvm use system And then it will work right. Once you’re done with the torquebox work, you can go back to using rvm.

Jun 09

Torquebox and Cygwin: Take I

Torquebox and Cygwin don’t work as nicely together as one might hope. That said, here are a couple of findings: In order to deploy, you need to set the $JBOSS_HOME with the Windows path.  You can do this via export JBOSS_PATH=cygpath -w PATH_TO_JBOSS. Additionally, the JRUBY_HOME needs to be a windows path as well.   Otherwise …

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